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Handling Extracurricular Activities During Summer Parenting Time


Summer is a time when children can explore their interests, learn new skills, and engage in extracurricular activities. However, for divorced or separated parents sharing custody or parenting time, managing these activities can present unique challenges. Balancing the desire for your child to participate in enriching experiences while adhering to […]

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Seven Reasons Why Prenuptial Agreements May Fail


Most spouses are very uncomfortable discussing their wish to have a prenuptial agreement in place.  When spouses manage the difficult conversation, then spend the time and money on reaching an agreement on the terms of prenuptial agreement, they logically want to make sure that they can rely on the terms […]

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Five Situations When You Should Have a Prenuptial Agreement


No one wants to start the conversation about a prenuptial agreement.  It’s just not a romantic topic.  It may feel that you are already planning for the marriage to end in divorce, but there are situations when a prenuptial agreement makes complete sense, and with some preparation, you can discuss […]

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