Category: Domestic Violence

Actor Angelina Jolie’s new accusations of abuse by her ex-husband and fellow Hollywood star Brad Pitt have already caught the attention of Tinsel Town, a wide range of media outlets, and celebrity watchers around the globe. Jolie says that Pitt was physically abusive to her and the couple’s children, accusations that recently became public in one of […]

When someone is stuck in a relationship where the partner threatens or goes beyond threats and is violent, it may be difficult for the victim to quickly find the domestic violence relief necessary and the right type of relief for that situation. We’d like to help you sort out your options. Michigan judges can provide you with […]

As Grand Rapids divorce lawyers with decades of combined experience, we see couples decide to split for a wide range of different reasons. Unfortunately, physical and emotional abuse by one spouse often underlies the decision. Domestic violence cases are increasing across Michigan, according to new data from the state police. The data show that the number of people victimized […]

Can Victims Request Damages in Domestic Violence Cases? A Recent Michigan Court Decision Says Yes Julia and Craig Hamlin dated for three weeks, married, and after seven months’ of marriage, Julia filed for divorce from Craig after he pulled her around by her hair, punched and kicked, her, banged her head on the ground and […]

It Sometimes is Not That Easy to Leave an Abusive Relationship Domestic violence victims, or more precisely referred to as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) victims, nearly always report that when they met, they thought that their partner was attentive, caring and basically the nicest date they’d ever had. It isn’t that the victim was wrong […]