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Long-Distance Parenting: Providing Insights and Tips


Long-distance parenting can be a challenging journey, filled with unique complexities and obstacles. When separated from your child by distance, it becomes crucial to navigate communication challenges, establish effective visitation schedules, and maintain strong parent-child relationships during all stages. In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of long-distance parenting arrangements, shedding light on the hurdles faced by parents in such situations. Additionally, we will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you overcome these challenges and ensure a meaningful and nurturing relationship with your child.

Understanding Communication Challenges

One of the primary challenges of long-distance parenting is maintaining consistent and meaningful communication with your child. Physical separation can hinder the natural flow of daily interactions and impede emotional connection. However, technology can be a valuable ally in bridging this gap. Utilize video calls, instant messaging apps, and emails to facilitate regular contact. If you and your co-parent are not having a solid co-parenting relationship, you may need to strengthen the communication challenges by obtaining court orders for specific daily time to video chat or required phone access for your child to text with you. Make an effort to establish a predictable communication routine, allowing your child to anticipate and look forward to your interactions. Active listening and genuine engagement during conversations can foster trust and strengthen your bond.  If necessary, buy your child a cell phone with a plan to provide increased lines of communication.  Of course, you should consider the child’s age and education needs, and have a conversation with your co-parent first.

Crafting Effective Parenting Time Schedules

Parenting time schedules play a crucial role in ensuring regular and quality time with your child. It is essential to work together with the other parent to create a schedule that suits the needs and best interests of your child. If the other parent refuses to co-parent to create a flexible schedule, file a motion to enforce a court ordered schedule. When establishing a schedule, consider factors such as school schedules, extracurricular activities, and holidays when planning visits. Longer visits during school breaks or vacations can provide more substantial bonding opportunities. Additionally, if feasible, explore the possibility of visiting your child in their home state during weekends or other shorter breaks so that the burden of travel falls on you and not the child. This is a great opportunity to increase your established parenting time and it allows you to visit your child at their school, at extracurricular activities, etc.

Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Relationships

Despite the distance, it is vital to nurture a strong and loving relationship with your child. Here are some tips to help you maintain a meaningful connection:

  1. Consistency and Routine: Establish consistent communication patterns and visitation schedules to provide stability and predictability for your child. Consistency fosters a sense of security and helps your child feel valued.
  2. Quality Time: Make the most of the time you have together by planning activities that allow for quality bonding experiences. Engage in shared interests, hobbies, or special outings that create lasting memories.
  3. Emotional Support: Be attuned to your child’s emotional needs and provide a safe space for them to express their feelings. Show empathy, offer encouragement, and validate their experiences.
  4. Involvement in Their Life: Stay involved in your child’s life by keeping up with their education, extracurricular activities, and social interactions. Regularly communicate with teachers, attend parent-teacher meetings, and show genuine interest in their achievements and challenges. You should be on the school’s email list, you should have parent teacher conferences via video, and you should talk to your child about their homework, extracurricular activities, and grades.
  5. Encourage Relationships with Extended Family: Support and encourage your child’s relationships with extended family members, such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles. These connections provide additional sources of love, support, and guidance.
  6. Co-Parenting Cooperation: Maintain open and respectful communication with the other parent or guardian. Collaborate on important decisions and avoid involving your child in any conflicts. A united front will help create a stable and harmonious environment for your child. 

Anticipating Difficulties

Although there are many opportunities to be involved in your child’s life while living further away, long distance parenting tends to be difficult during two stages of the child’s life. 

When children are very young, courts tend to order more frequent, but shorter periods of parenting time to offset difficulties, such as breast feeding and separation anxiety.  After the first few years of a child’s life, children still cannot travel alone on flights and most other modes of transportation. Additionally, this is the stage where parents and children bond and the infrequency of contact creates an additional hurdle in the bonding process.  This is a stage where many long-distance parents need the assistance of an attorney to enforce opportunities to bond with the child.

When children are in high school, they often a have solid friend group at school, and they do not want to leave their friends. They also are often involved in extracurricular activities requiring training and practices during vacations, especially during summer.  Sometimes, teenaged children have summer jobs, and they do not look forward to foregoing their earnings and instead spend a summer at a location where they do not have friends, miss practices, and earn no money.  Many of these problems can be alleviated by planning ahead.  For example, with enough time, some parents may secure a summer job for their children during summer parenting time. A coach may provide an independent training schedule for some of the summer, or a change in the parenting time schedule may avoid required practices. 


Long-distance parenting presents numerous challenges, but with proactive effort and dedication, it is possible to maintain a strong and loving relationship with your child. By addressing communication challenges, crafting effective visitation schedules, and actively nurturing the parent-child bond, you can overcome the obstacles inherent in long-distance parenting. Remember, each child and family dynamic is unique, so tailor these insights and tips to suit your specific circumstances. If you need some ideas how to create a long distance parenting time schedule, call our family law attorneys at 616-285-0808 to start the process.